Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

My Very First Breakfast at 2012

Inspiring from my hubby, he wants nasi goreng (fried rice) this morning. Actually it was 10.30a.m.when he told me about that, since we haven't our breakfast yet.
Go down stair, told eyang uti and bibi, then we made nasgor special! Nasgor with spices: brambang (onion), bawang (garlic), bawang bombay, salt, pepper, terasi, daun bawang, daun kol (cabbage), eggs, smoked beef, come in to the deep pan, and transformed become a special nasgor.
Topping! Yup, we had kerupuk bawang, fresh sliced cucumber, and fried tempe on the top of our nasgor. Heemmm...... So yummy!
This is it!
Nasgor special ala chef bunda ayra and eyang uti.
Simple as we get, Yummy as you wish, and full of love flavour.
Happy new year everybody!

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